Out now: Award-winning "A Killer After Her Own Heart" - a romance writer murder mystery for Brindlewood Bay!

Out now: A KILLER AFTER HER OWN HEART, a Romance Writer Murder Mystery for Brindlewood Bay

Cozy coastal town Brindlewood Bay has been chosen as the location for the RomCONclave, the annual meeting of the small, but influential Romance Creators of Note (RomCON), an exclusive organization of romance writers.

The morning after a heated argument during the meeting, one of the writers is found in her room at a local B&B, dead from a letter opener to the heart.

The Murder Mavens must navigate the professional and private passions of the assembled romance writers and identify the killer — hopefully before the next heart stops beating forever ...

This mystery won Runner-up Murder Mystery in the Brindlewood Bay Writing Contest!

And now you can get it in a beautifully designed 16-page PDF in A5 format. Go here for more details (including the judges' explanation of why they picked it for the award)!

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